The story revolves around the “red thread of fate” connecting the young pair Mei and Atsushi and the trials they face during their high school period. Their romance is about to blossom when she meets a gentle-natured boy named Atsushi during a school trip to Nagasaki with close camaraderie of her school friends, Taka, Mia, Yuri, Natsu, Mitsu and Sara.The two begin to realize that they share many things in common that seem to transcend mere coincidence: the same birthday (February 29th, 1992) and a previous encounter when they were both 8. Feeling a bond of fate, they grow closer. But destiny can have a dark side to it, too, and a shocking revelation from both of their pasts compels Atsushi to pull away from Mei. The devastating separation then unleashes a wave of misfortune upon Mei: the death of a loved one, friend end up with drug addiction and domestic violence. As circumstances seek to take control of her life, Mei struggles to maintain her faith in the tenuous thread of destiny that will reunite her with her true love. (Source: Astro Entertainment Sdn Bhd)
Aku tgk wayang dgn kelmarin. actually kitorang pun tak tau nak tgk crita apa.. zai n diki nak tgk shinjiku incident tp masanya tak sesuai pla.. bincang punya bincnag, aku puntak tau napa kata putusnya tgk crita jepun ( yg kami sangka korea).. THREADS OF DESTINY.
masuk dah lah lambat 10 minit.. agak blurr2 jugaklah awalnya... n sampai satu part aku rasa boring sgt.. tp bila klimaks crita nie sampai, peh, aku rasa mcm tgk citer seram dah.. nervous giler n tak sangka. bukan aku sorang je rasa mcm tu. aku rasa suma org pun jd gelisah bila sampai kat klimaks crita tue... eeyy.. mmg bengang siot..
apapun, komen aku, citer nie takdelah best sgt.. idealisme yang diperjuangkan ttg takdir tue.. hmm, nampak klise sikit lah... psl persamaan yang dah boleh dijangkakan.. n taklah istimewa sgt pada hati aku...tapi, moral of the story tue agak 'terkesan' jugak lah...
kesimpulannya Jangan tinggalkan seorang wanita dalam kesedihan, bersendirian.. wanita punyai hati yang lemah dan sensitif saat ketika kesedihan menyelubungi... macam-macam boleh jadi ke atas wanita dalam keadaan ni.. dia perlukan sesorang, dan seseorang itu mestilah bukan orang yang merosakkan, tapi membangkitkan semangat...
( and pada diri sendiri, aku harap aku pun takkan benarkan emosi menguasai diri sampai akal dan minda tak mampu berfikir rasional lagi.)
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